Innovative Mobile Game And

App Solutions


[valinta] is a service and music player that mobile developers integrate into their game or app to enable user controllable streaming music. [valinta] provides the developers better user retention and a new way to monetize the games & apps via innovative ad serving platform. [valinta] is a free service for developers. Zemeho distributes the [valinta] plugin via Unity developer store where 1M mobile developers can download it and via direct contact. [valinta] 1st game studio partners have 500M+ installs for their games, and growing.

Join our partners

We are always searching for developers to test
 and implement our [valinta] music plugin. We love your opinion. This is your chance to add to the development and global growth of [valinta].
 If you have an app or game to test with, please sign-up below. Testers and implementer will receive current edition of [valinta] music plugin, along with direct contact via us at Zemeho. Unfortunately alcohol laws in Finland are ridiculous – no booze as a gift, but will buy you a beer when we meet!



River – Biz & Investor Lead | Dean – Music & Social Lead | Baiba – Marketing & Partner Lead | Ari – Cocos2d-x Lead | Janne – Unity & Back-end Lead | Jarkko – Advisor & Board Member | Einar – Advisor & Board Member

Zemeho In Brief

Team Zemeho from Oulu, Finland, mixes youth with professionals to create innovative mobile game & app solutions. Reasoning on mixing is the time again proven fact that youth know months ahead what’s in or out. We all have visions on creating a great game or application, no matter what age we are, however it’s the youth that uses, plays and drives the offerings our clients are looking to create..

Stay Tuned!
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